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    contact us

    • Rizhao Lanshan Xianglong Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd
    • contacts:Liu Yun (Manager)
    • mobile phone:13606330798
    • telephone:0633-6196168
    • email:rzxianglong@163.com
    • address:日照市嵐山區(qū)汾水鎮(zhèn) (S222省道山東焦電公司對(duì)過(guò))

    Company Profile

    您的當(dāng)前位置: 首頁(yè) > 英文 > Company Profile

    Rizhao Lanshan Xianglong Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of wire drawing machines and rope making machines. Our factory integrates design, manufacturing, and sales, with strong technical force and excellent equipment.

    Rizhao Lanshan Xianglong Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer that designs and produces complete sets of wire drawing and rope making equipment. We have a deep understanding of the equipment required for the wire drawing and rope making process. Adopting the foreign rope making mode and incorporating my own practical operation experience, the product has the advantages of novel design, compact structure, stable performance, reliable quality, convenient operation and maintenance, and high production efficiency. Since its establishment, the company has adhered to the business philosophy of "high starting point, high quality, specialization, integrity and win-win", formed a corporate style of "integrity, quality, moral character", and provided customers with the highest quality services. This product is suitable for producing various specifications of polypropylene, polyethylene, nylon, cotton, linen, cloth, and other raw materials Ф 3- Ф 45 mm rope.

    The company has reliable product quality, timely delivery, and thoughtful service. The sales reach 28 provinces and cities nationwide, and the products have a considerable market share. At the same time, they are exported to Southeast Asia, South America, and other regions. Since their launch on the market, they have received praise from users at home and abroad.

    In the future, the company will continue to devote itself to the service tenet of "quality, customer", and repay the love of our customers with newer and better products and high-quality services.

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